

The Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, activist organization founded in 1985 to educate on peace, nonviolence, and human security issues and to promote dialogue on America’s Role in the World and the responsibility of citizens in determining national priorities and policies. During this time we hoped to educate and involve Long Islanders in disarmament and the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Today, we work to educate and mobilize Long Islanders on the costs and consequences of war and militarism, with a focus on reductions in military expenditures, reallocating resources toward education, jobs, housing, health care, the environment, infrastructure, and other basic human needs.

Our other goals include:

  • To seek major reductions in the production of arms for export as well as the end of arm sales.
  • To alert the public to the dangers of nuclear weapons production and development at Department of Energy plants, environmental contamination and public health risks, and the problem of radioactive waste storage and disposal.
  • To work to strengthen international cooperation, conflict resolution, and peacekeeping, so as to avoid military interventions.

In 2013, we began a Peace Fellowship program on Hofstra University’s campus to work cooperatively with young people in peace and social justice activities.

Ultimately, we seek social and economic justice for all by working with other organizations whose missions are to eliminate poverty, racism, and other forms of discrimination, whether based on culture, class, gender, religion, or sexual orientation, and to protect civil and human rights.

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