End the war in Syria. Call Congress.

Call NY Senators and Reps. Tell them to speak out against US bombing of Syria.

CONGRESSIONAL SWITCHBOARD 202-224-3121 or LI offices:

Senator Gillibrand, 631-249-2825

Senator Schumer, 631-753-0978

Rep. Zeldin (CD1), 631-289-6500

Rep. King (CD2), 516-541-4225

Rep. Suozzi (CD3), 631-923-4100 or 718-631-0400

Rep. Rice (CD4), 516-739-2973

See statement from LI Alliance below opposing US bombing of Syria.

Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives


For Immediate Release                   

April 14, 2018                                     

Margaret Melkonian, 516-741-4360 (cell)


Before the expected arrival of the experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to investigate a possible chemical attack (and to determine who was responsible), Trump ordered the bombing of Syria.

This use of military force is a violation of international law and will have dire consequences for the people of Syria. The risks of a wider war are extremely dangerous for the United States, for the Middle East and for the world.

Congress must hold the Trump Administration to account. Our Constitution states that only Congress has the power to authorize war, not the President.

“ Who decides to go to war? The Congress or The President?”, asks Margaret Melkonian, Director, LI Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives. “ Congress must not abdicate its responsibility when a President uses military force with disregard for international law and the Constitution”.

“The people must make their voices heard and speak out against war. The LI Alliance strongly urges people to call their representatives and express their opposition to the Administration’s action”, says Melkonian.


 The Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives is a non-profit educational, 501(c) (3) tax-exempt organization, founded in 1985, to provide information and to encourage dialogue about U.S. peace and national security issues and America’s role in the world.  Our work focuses on promoting citizen education, responsibility and action for determining national priorities and policies about peace, war and nuclear disarmament. The LI Alliance is committed to the next generation of peace and social justice advocates through our Peace Fellows Program at Hofstra University.

Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives


Peacemaking on Long Island, since 1985

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