Questions for 2014 Congressional Candidates

 The alliance has come together to set up a series of questions to ask all 2014 congressional candidates to answer at candidate forums and call-ins based on relevant foreign policy issues. Please use this as a guide and send us any feedback and/or answers. Please return responses to: LI Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives, P.O. Box 301, Garden City NY 11530 



1.     Do you support or oppose the repeal of the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force, allowing the executive branch to use military force? Why?


2.    Do you support or oppose current U.S. policy of providing training, assistance and weapons to rebels to defeat ISIS in Syria and Iraq? Why? Is there an alternative?


3.     Do you support or oppose the withdrawal of all U.S. military forces in Afghanistan sooner than the Adminstration’s proposed 2016 date? OR do you support keeping about 10,000 forces in Afghanistan as agreed to in recent Bilateral Security Agreement? Why?


4.    How would you avoid a new cold war between the U.S. and Russia over Ukraine? What specific actions would you propose?


5.     Would you vote for or against cuts in the Trillion$ military budget to support needed domestic programs? Why? What would you cut?

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